Creating a TREMOR at the ReMPro Festival

In April, the TREMOR team were invited to stage a training event as part of a week-long Festival hosted by AESA Research Management Programme in Africa (ReMPro) and the Association for Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA), UK entitled Enhancing Research Management Partnerships between Africa and the UK: Learning from the IRMSDP Program. As a team we wanted to help people who were at the very start of their careers in Research Management and Administration (RMA). Across the team we have well over one hundred years’ of experience in RMA and we wanted to find a fun and interactive way to share some of this with colleagues who were new to the profession and to provide a platform where they could learn from each other’s experiences. As is the norm right now, we faced some limitations around the platform we could use to organise the session, but we approached it creatively. The session was planned to be jointly chaired by Laurence Gardiner (Nottingham Trent University) and...